Friday, March 5, 2010

You know what is always fun to have to endure first thing in the morning? The sounds of the extremely overweight man who lives above me having sex. Scared the roof would cave in. Oh man, that would be one hell of a mess. I know I would be crushed by the whole event.

Then I get out the door and get to 7-11 to get some bus tickets, only to be subjected to a middle aged man trying to get a rise out of the old lady clerk at the counter by saying Wii over and over again, in various child-like voices. Yeah, Having a good day. 30 mins in and already want to give 2 people a piece of my mind.

Anyways, at least its ramping up to be a good night at the office. Get to watch Jeremy Hotz live at the JSCH and then meet him. Hes a coolers light kind of guy i guess. Explains alot about him. Pretty funny show tonight though.

Just meet Tom Jackson (North of 60 anyone?). Thats pretty neat.

Ah, Friday night, and Im stuck at work. Well, Not like I could do anything anyways. Have exactly $4.20 to my name. Not making that up. after bus tickets, thats how much money I have for the rest of the month. Wow, times are tough right now. Probably wont starve, but damn Am I going to want a baconator come payday!

Hmmm..... my ear is bleeding... this could be a problem

Day 1: Lets Get This Started

And on the first day, Charlie Said, 'Let there be words!'

But seriously now... So I have been documenting my slow decline into insanity of late, and felt it was time to start getting some of the things that have really been getting to me out there and published. So... blog it is. I guess Ill also be posting up songs Ive been working on, and pictures that I want to share outside of the realm of FB.

Guess ill start the real content in the next one.