So today I woke up with a smile on my face that has been absent for some weeks. It could be the rather decent amount of new clothes and cosmetics that just got put neatly away in there new homes. But some how I feel its because last night I decided that I needed to get over you. You never call or write, no matter how much I do, and its gotten to the point where I just don't know what to say anymore, because I know Ill never get an answer back anyways. And you know what? I am way to awesome to be ignored, so, this is your loss, not mine. Yes, I really like you, still do, but why do I have to cry everyday because of you, and you don't even know that you affect me like this? So, standing up on my own two feet today, with no one holding me up. Which is a feeling I have always found particularly distressing in the past, but perhaps at this current point in time, is something that is necessary. I am transitioning, and in the process of discovering just who I am. Perhaps I shouldn't have someone in my life romantically to define me in any way.
If you had wanted me to be a part of your life, you should have tried to let me be a part of it, I know I did.
- Mood:
Content - Listening to: Brand New
- Reading: My DA Blog
- Watching: The Expendables
- Playing: Pokemon HeartGold
- Eating: Ramen
- Drinking: Coffee
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