You know what the problem is with being happy? Sleeping. Mind running a mile a minute. After running on little to no food I find myself starting another 12 hour shift at work. When I am done, I'll have been up for 48 hours. Fun fun. Even when anything that can be a distraction has been put away and turned off, the mind will find something to occupy it self. I just kind of wish that it would decide that sleep would be a worthy enough task for it to occupy itself with, but no, thats too much to hope for I suppose. Instead it will find amusing anecdotes, discover the deeper meanings to existence, plan how It wants to rearrange the house, have a couple epiphany's, then back to anecdotes. Oh what I wouldn't do to be able to sleep. But I've been saying that for longer then I can actually remember. Isn't insomnia fun?
- Mood:
Shitty - Listening to: Paramore
- Watching: Make-up Lessons On Youtube
- Playing: Pokemon HeartGold
- Eating: Chicken and Fries
- Drinking: Coffee
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