So I am discovering what it means to live with some pretty serious guilt. And its horrible! But, knowing in the back of my head that I have lied to every single person I have ever met in my life is really getting harder and harder to live with everyday. I feel like I need to go back and apologize to them all, and have to some, and it never goes well, and doesn't make me feel any better. And thats when I actually work up the courage to say something.
I guess it comes too from having so many sins to repent for. Because, damn, thats a long list. No one has a clue.
Well, time to go find her a present.
- Mood:
Hungry - Listening to: Silence
- Reading: Blogs
- Watching: time tick by, slowly
- Playing: Pokemon HeartGold
- Eating: Ramen
- Drinking: Coffee, only half a day old today
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