I'm in one of those moods that I'm sure many of you understand. I'm feeling all deep think-y and emotional, One of those moments where you know that all you need is just a little bit of inspiration, and it would all just come pouring out in a tidal wave. But then there is the writers/art/music block. I have paper at the ready with both my pen and pencils, I have my guitar in arms reach, and my camera just waiting to be used, if only something would come to me. This is where I feel I fail miserably as an artist, mostly as a sketch artist though as music just comes to me like breathing. I have so many friends that will just grab a sketch book and doodle. DOODLE! Why does that seem so hard? I've never done it, ever. Not once in my life, Not even sure where I would begin really. I must just lack that skill. I guess I would compare it to Jamming musically. Sitting down and just playing a couple notes and chords off the top of your head that just... Click. Thats something that I can do almost anytime I want, and half the time when I don't, either because I'm in one of those situations where I can't, or worse, don't have my guitar. As an artist (of a different type, I wont compare my music to what you all do) I do not know what I would do if suddenly this outlet of creativity was ever taken away from me, even for a short time. For those that don't know me that well, I also am currently writing 2 screen plays, and am collaboration on a third one. And I often suffer from writers block on these, despite having a half-decent idea of where I am wanting the plot and characters to end up. But it doesn't feel like the same kind of block as I have with drawing, like, at all.
Time +2 hours from beginning of entry.
Well, am working on a collaborative photo-manipulation. Seems to be helping this block i am having. And am learning Tears in Heaven on my acoustic. Man learning to use my thumb for my low E string feels weird, Clapton, bravo, pushing me to greater skill heights.
On a completely unrelated note, but one that I feel is something that I can't not write about. (Double Negatives are FUN!) I am finding it harder and harder to be able to focus my personality as a feminine one when I get passionate about something. Its not that I find myself being mannish about it, I just, don't feel like I am properly portraying myself in the correct light. Anyone have any hints or suggestions?
Huh, Im not entirely sure if this entry went anywhere, like at all. Guess thats what happens when I'm Far to distracted to even sit still long enough to finish a task.
I wana go for a run. I never feel like running. Walk, yes, You will totally find me doing that activity. But running? WTF is wrong with me today...
- Mood:
- Listening to: Paramore/Oasis/Panic at/Soundgarden
- Reading: Tabs
- Watching: Epcor Centers 25th anniversary movie
- Playing: Tears In Heaven. Terrible
- Eating: the 2 cm's of hair that reaches my mouth
- Drinking: Root Beer