So there was something that I did want to talk and share with you today, but I just don't feel up to it right now. Perhaps some day soon I will. But, in the mean time, please enjoy the super art upload of today. Don't expect this quantity of uploads at once again, this was a one time thing I think.
Well, I get the internet hooked up at my house next week, which is the first time in 5 years I've had it in my abode. Seems strange considering just how much of a geek I am, or at least use to be, then I got this thing called a life, and everything kind of changed so.... Yeah, internet! Expect to see more of me online.
I might get a chance to do some more photos this weekend, but I some how doubt i'll get much done. I plan on heading to the bar with ~LostTogether tomorrow, then to the gay bar on Saturday probably by myself. I gave some advise yesterday to a friend saying that it was important that you get out and meet new people. And I felt bad after words for saying so, because yes, it is very good advise, and its really easy for me to sit here and say it, but its another thing to actually go out and do it. So, I'm getting of my pink with glitter soapbox and following my own advise. I'm going to go out of my house. And dammit, I'm going to enjoy it. I keep finding that on my 4 day weekends (which is every weekend for me) that I get a touch of agoraphobia, I can't even make myself walk the 4 block to 711 to get smokes. Instead I'll just suffer from withdraw, but when it comes time to go back to work, I have no problem at all. Its so weird. I think i just feel really vulnerable. And living on my own hasn't helped that in the least.
Anyways. I should stop writing now. Not because I am done writing by any means. I just think I should.
Oh, And going to have a breakdown now
- Mood:
- Listening to: Nirvana
- Reading: DA Journals
- Drinking: Stupid amounts of water
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